Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Location as Character

San Francisco Japanese Tea Garden

Director's Commentary Shot Script
Shot 1: Depth/Perspective - Establishing my location with a revealing shot

Shot 2: Depth/Perspective - Perspective in shot by having a use of foreground which is the stone pathway, mid ground which are the koi fish and background which is the water and trees

Shot 3: Focal Point - Continuation of previous shot due to how it goes to an extreme close-up of koi fish
Shot 4: Lighting for Effect - Lighting affects trees in a way that contrasts them to give the shot more emphasis and a heavenly tone and mood

Shot 5: Balance, Unity and Proportion - All related nature elements create one harmonious and serene feeling

Shot 6: Focal Point - Focus is on water and ripple as the peace is interrupted but attention is still maintained throughout shot 

Shot 7: Depth/Perspective/Rule of Thirds - Branch is in the foreground, the trees are in the mid ground and the pagoda is in the background. Rule of thirds, since the attention is mainly on the pagoda as well as the branch

Shot 8: Lighting for Effect - Sun reflecting through trees gives off heavenly tone

Shot 9: Framing/Lines/Angle - Position and framing of camera gives off feeling of focus as well as dominance

Shot 10/11:
Selective Focus/Object Match - Framing of two objects as one shot shifts focus and moves to the next 

Shot 12/13: Rhythm/Lighting for Effect/Graphic Match - As shot pops up, music's beat matches.Sun shining through trees gives off another heavenly and serene tone. Dip to white transition matches with sun in next shot 

Shot 14: Depth/Perspective/Texture - Camera tracks across leaves that are out of focus while other elements in background are in focus