Tuesday, May 28, 2013

End of Year Reflection

Independent Film Research
When it comes to the research aspect of class, my strengths are my interest in overall production value. I really enjoy learning about and gaining insight on all the elements and components, whether trivial or extremely significant, that make up a film's entire set up. Knowing how directors apply their specific artistic styles to the production value of each scene allows me to carry that out into making my own films. Elements such as a setting's environment, surroundings, props, wardrobe, equipment, editing style and overall look are what seem to be the essential factors in creating a film in its entirety. I feel that my area of improvement would be in going into more depth within my research in terms of taking a more analytical look at a film's history, background and meaning. This can be on account of my lack of outside research such as looking at reviews, books, articles etc. To improve this I should look at the development of a film in terms of researching more about historical context as well as background knowledge of a set time period.

Oral Presentation Experience 
For this years oral presentation I feel that my strengths would be providing a solid and thorough explanation on the overall creation of the film and its influences within its set time period. The elements that drove the director (Alfred Hitchcock) into creating the film Psycho, such as historical context, significant current events at the time and socio-cultural influences were well stated within my oral presentation. For next time, I would have to improve in giving more recognition to other significant contributors to the film such as screen writers, sound designers and actors. I would also need to spend more of my analyses and make references to critic's reactions and awards given to the film during the time period. To improve on this for the next oral presentation, I should look into more in depth reviews on the film in terms of the reactions it had received considering the time period which was still new and getting used to the slasher aspect in film. As for a suggestion, assigning less blog posts during preparation for the oral presentation would be reasonable. It's really hard to manage balancing these posts with other schoolwork, especially when we simultaneously have to be ready for the upcoming oral presentation. A better alternative would be more verbal in class discussions about articles rather than writing about them.     

Production Experience 
This year I was provided with the opportunity of experiencing and taking on the roles of both cinematographer and editor. I particularly enjoy the majority of the aspects in film whether it is brainstorming ideas or finishing up the final product in post production. Reflecting back on this year I feel that I not so much failed but rather lacked a big sense of skill when it came to contributing to our short film that I was cinematographer for. This was so due to how I was just starting out and quite new to the cinematographer aspect of films. I wasn't a complete novice because I have done some camerawork prior to this, however, I was getting used to and starting to familiarize myself with new pieces of camera equipment such as the DSLR and all its idiosyncracies, steady cam apparatus and how it is used in different environments. However, I did adapt well when it came to transitioning to the position of editor due to how I have done lots of editing before producing Rusty. I have had experience editing with Final Cut Pro in the past many types with various types of projects. As for a suggestion I feel that the skill that should be addressed more and taught in class would be scriptwriting. With our group that is the are we had most difficulty with. Our dialogue scenes were quite difficult to execute due to our lack of experience with scriptwriting.    

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