Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Independent Research Script Reflection


Clear references to film history, theory or genre topic
Reflecting back on my independent research script, I noticed that it sufficiently acknowledges film history and how it makes remarks as to what effect it has on the film's setting and environment. The film City of God has a rich history pertaining to the favelas in 1960s, and the script gives insight on how this Brazilian city has developed overtime and how it is manifested within the movie as well as represented through a modern day film known as Gang Tapes. However, there is a lack of knowledge on film theory and how the genre is expressed in each film. The script does not go in depth on why genre choices were made in order to achieve certain effects in the films. There is vague knowledge on how the two films are linked together through the specific genre, which was intended to be shown as falling under the category of crime fiction.

Clear engagement with the target audience, scope and depth of argument
The research script is unclear of its target audience, although I imagine it aiming at a focus of those interested in learning about how the overall setting of a gang affiliated environment is portrayed through different film techniques. At some times within the audio aspect of my script the it was also confusing on who the narrator was. There was an adequate mount of detail in terms of how menaing is created through the two films. Some analyses on certain film aspects were more clear than others due to the amount of thought put into it. My argument did not always follow back to my research question therefore making it rather confusing on how it is expressed in the script. I could have focused more on my question and answering it thoroughly to provide clear insight on how it is manifested in each of the films. 

Clear use of sources and structure of the script
Sources in the research script were effectively used, variated throughout different ideas and clearly stated in the text. Sources such as articles and reviews were utilized as though to make reference as well as elaborate on certain ideas to give deeper insight considering the research question. Knowledge of film history and ideologies was well represented through the different sources used, however some ideas were more developed than others. As for the structure of the research script, the organization was not done sufficiently. This was so due to the confusing sections that readers may come across while reading. Ideas were at times all over the place, therefore gradually losing focus on the main idea. 

Video and audio elements are detailed clearly and coherently described and linked
In my research script I attempted to make both the video and audio elements equally significant. However this was not done very sufficiently due to the organization of my script, as stated in criteria 3. Both elements were not coherently linked due to how my ideas were scattered and my focus gradually drifted. Given this, the transitions were also unclear in terms of when they happen and why. I also attempted to juxtapose certain shots between each film to point out their similarities, but did not do so adequately on account of the glaring flaws within the audio aspect. To improve this it would be crucial to stay on topic and focus on my main research question.

All films referred to clearly relate to the topic and insightful comparisons are made with precision
The comparisons made in the research script between the two films are fairly strong and insightful. I was able to provide knowledge on elements that pertain to topics such as historical context and film techniques, however I did not build up my analysis enough to relate it back to my research question. I made very few comparisons, which inevitably resulted in a poor script in terms of connections between genres, setting and artisitc style. This can be so on account of my poor research in the preliminary stages of creating my script. My analyses that answer the film question could have been more focused on in order to convey the points and ideas that are presented throughout the script. Although, I did made knowledgeable points on how setting was portrayed within each film and how these types of gang environements developed overtime in society as well as in the film industry.

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